Dedication Opportunities

Building Naming



Reserved by Dr. Michael and Elizabeth Zimmer

Community Wing & Lobby


Education Wing

Reserved by Mr. Morris Willner

Preschool Dedication


Main Lobby & Art Gallery


Sky Rooftop Deck

Reserved by Dr. Jeffrey and Wendy Miller

Hebrew School Naming


Social Hall

Reserved by The Buns Family

The Grand Stairwell


Ark (Aron Kodesh)

Reserved by Morris and Lillian Tabacinic

Institute of Jewish Learning

Reserved by the Herman Forbes Charitable Trust

Portrait of the Rebbe


Dairy Kitchen


Chabad Cares


Commercial Meat Kitchen

Reserved by Dr. Larry and Alice Ettinger

Backup Generator

Reserved by Dr. Steven Cohen



Holocaust Memorial

Reserved by Mr. Abraham Reichbach

Library/Conference Room

Reserved by Ms. Judy Goodman

Women's Circle Naming


Lift of Life

Reserved by Dr. Lane and Suzanne Mercer

Commercial Appliances - Meat


Memorial Board

Reserved by Stuart Nast

Rabbi's Study

Reserved by Mr. Ralph and Ruth Ann Mizrahi

Classrooms (4)




Education Office


Administrative Office


Audio Visual System


Torah Platform (Bima)

Reserved by Murray and Debby Bevitz

Synagogue Seating


Windows to Jerusalem (6)


Candle Lighting Station

Reserved by Mr. Anthony Cooke

Commercial Appliances - Dairy

Reserved by Evan Cohn and Haris Lender

Chazzan's Podium

Reserved by Michael and Gail Frye

Rabbi's Podium

Reserved by Dr. Dan and Irene Lawson

Prayerbook Wall Unit

Reserved by Mr. Cary and Karen Reich


Reserved by Dr. Stanley and Nancy Rosenberg

Social Hall Furnishing

Reserved by Mr. Anthony Cooke

Washing station (Kiyor)

Reserved by Mr. Anthony Cooke

Talis Rack

Reserved by Frank and Dale Marsilio

In addition to the dedications outlined above, contributions of $1800 and more will be permanently recognized in the lobby of the new Chabad Jewish Center.

Images are for illustrative purposes only.